import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;						// Graphics2D, Point2D
import java.awt.color.*;				// ColorSpace
import java.awt.image.*;				// BufferedImage
import java.awt.geom.*;					// AffineTransform
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*;		// JPEGImageDecoder, JPEGCodec, JPEGEncodeParam

 * The JpgImage class can be used to resize JPEG images and
 * either return them as either BufferedImages or save them
 * as files. Here's a short example:

 * JpgImage ji = new JpgImage("picture.jpg");
 * ji.scalePercent(0.5);
 * ji.cropProportions(5, 7, true);
 * ji.sendToFile("new_picture.jpg");

* Some of the code used in this class was a modification of * the excellent example code provided by Will Bracken in * the Java Developer's Forum, at:
* http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jsp?thread=260711&forum=20&message=985157 *

* The "Java Examples in a Nutshell" book by David Flanagan * was also a good reference. There are some nice examples of * using transform matrices to blur and sharpen an image in * there, if you want to add that functionality. While most * of the methods here are fairly trivial wrappers around various * transform objects, the rotate method is a bit more complicated, * due to the fact that the image dimensions and origin are * changed -- see the code itself for more details. *

* The Java 2D classes are used for the image manipulation, * so this will only work with Java 1.2 or higher. Also, the * com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageDecoder, * com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGEncodeParam, and * com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec classes are used to read and * save images, so this may not work with non-Sun implementations * of Java. You may be able to use the more generic Image and/or * ImageIcon classes to perform similar functions. *

* Program version 1.0. Author Julian Robichaux, http://www.nsftools.com * * @author Julian Robichaux ( http://www.nsftools.com ) * @version 1.0 */ public class JpgImage { private BufferedImage bi = null; /** * Creates a JpgImage from a specified file name * * @param fileName the name of a JPEG file * @exception IOException if the file cannot be opened or read * @exception ImageFormatException if the JPEG file is invalid */ public JpgImage (String fileName) throws IOException, ImageFormatException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName); JPEGImageDecoder decoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(fis); bi = decoder.decodeAsBufferedImage(); fis.close(); } /** * Creates a JpgImage from the specified BufferedImage * * @param image a BufferedImage object * @exception ImageFormatException if the BufferedImage is null */ public JpgImage (BufferedImage image) throws ImageFormatException { if (image == null) throw new ImageFormatException("BufferedImage is null"); else bi = image; } /** * Returns the height (in pixels) of the current JpgImage object * * @return the height of the current image */ public int getHeight () { return bi.getHeight(); } /** * Returns the width (in pixels) of the current JpgImage object * * @return the width of the current image */ public int getWidth () { return bi.getWidth(); } /** * Shrinks or enlarges the current JpgImage object so that the * height of the image (in pixels) equals the given height * * @param height scale the image to this height */ public void scaleHeight (int height) { double scale = (double)height / (double)bi.getHeight(); scalePercent(scale); } /** * Shrinks or enlarges the current JpgImage object so that the * width of the image (in pixels) equals the given width * * @param width scale the image to this width */ public void scaleWidth (int width) { double scale = (double)width / (double)bi.getWidth(); scalePercent(scale); } /** * Shrinks or enlarges the current JpgImage object so that the * size of the image (in pixels) is the greater of the height and width * dictated by the parameters.

* For example, if the image has to be enlarged by a factor of 60% * in order to be the given height, and it has to be enlarged by a * factor of 80% in order to be the given width, then the image will * be enlarged by 80% (the greater of the two). Use this method if * you need to make sure that an image is at least the given height * and width. * * @param height scale the image to at least this height * @param width scale the image to at least this width */ public void scaleHeightWidthMax (int height, int width) { double scaleH = (double)height / (double)bi.getHeight(); double scaleW = (double)width / (double)bi.getWidth(); scalePercent(Math.max(scaleH, scaleW)); } /** * Shrinks or enlarges the current JpgImage object so that the * size of the image (in pixels) is the lesser of the height and width * dictated by the parameters.

* For example, if the image has to be enlarged by a factor of 60% * in order to be the given height, and it has to be enlarged by a * factor of 80% in order to be the given width, then the image will * be enlarged by 60% (the lesser of the two). Use this method if * you need to make sure that an image is no larger than the given * height or width. * * @param height scale the image to at most this height * @param width scale the image to at most this width */ public void scaleHeightWidthMin (int height, int width) { double scaleH = (double)height / (double)bi.getHeight(); double scaleW = (double)width / (double)bi.getWidth(); scalePercent(Math.min(scaleH, scaleW)); } /** * Shrinks or enlarges the current JpgImage object by the given scale * factor, with a scale of 1 being 100% (or no change).

* For example, if you need to reduce the image to 75% of the current size, * you should use a scale of 0.75. If you want to double the size of the * image, you should use a scale of 2. If you attempt to scale using a * negative number, the image will not be modified. * * @param scale the amount that this image should be scaled (1 = no change) */ public void scalePercent (double scale) { if ((scale > 0) && (scale != 1)) { AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp (AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale, scale), null); bi = op.filter(bi, null); } } /** * Crops the current JpgImage object using the given proportions. * The resulting image will be as large as possible, with either * the width or the height of the image unchanged, and the other * measurement of the image cropped equally on either side. *

* For example, to crop an image with the proportions of a 5x7 picture, * you could pass a width of 5 and a height of 7 (or a width of 7 * and a height of 5). * * @param width the proportional width to crop * @param height the proportional height to crop */ public void cropProportions (double width, double height) { int currentHeight = bi.getHeight(); int currentWidth = bi.getWidth(); int cropHeight = (int)(currentWidth * (height / width)); int cropWidth = (int)(currentHeight * (width / height)); if (cropHeight > currentHeight) { bi = bi.getSubimage((int)((currentWidth - cropWidth) / 2), 0, cropWidth, currentHeight); } else { bi = bi.getSubimage(0, (int)((currentHeight - cropHeight) / 2), currentWidth, cropHeight); } } /** * Crops the current JpgImage object using the given proportions, * optionally "optimizing" the cropping by swapping the height and * width proportions if doing so would crop less of the image. * The resulting image will be as large as possible, with either * the width or the height of the image unchanged, and the other * measurement of the image cropped equally on either side. *

* For example, to crop an image with the proportions of a 5x7 picture, * you could pass a width of 5 and a height of 7. In this case, if the * "optimize" flag was set and the image was wider than it was tall, * this method would automatically crop with proportions of 7x5 instead. * * @param width the proportional width to crop * @param height the proportional height to crop * @param optimize if true, indicates that the width and height can be * swapped if that would cause less of the image to be * cropped */ public void cropProportions (double width, double height, boolean optimize) { double big = Math.max(width, height); double small = Math.min(width, height); if (optimize) { if (bi.getWidth() > bi.getHeight()) cropProportions(big, small); else cropProportions(small, big); } else { cropProportions(width, height); } } /** * Rotates the current JpgImage object a specified number of degrees, * with a default background color of white (also see the notes for * the rotate(double, Color) method). This is the equivalent of calling: *


JpgImage.rotate(degrees, Color.white);
* * @param degrees the number of degrees to rotate the image */ public void rotate (double degrees) { rotate(degrees, Color.white); } /** * Rotates the current JpgImage object a specified number of degrees. *

* You should be aware of 2 things with regard to image rotation. * First, the more times you rotate an image, the more the image * degrades. So instead of rotating an image 90 degrees and then * rotating it again 45 degrees, you should rotate it once at a * 135 degree angle. *

* Second, a rotated image will always have a rectangular border * with sides that are vertical and horizontal, and all of the area * within this border will become part of the resulting image. * Therefore, if you rotate an image at an angle that's not a * multiple of 90 degrees, your image will appear to be placed * at an angle against a rectangular background of the specified Color. * For this reason, an image rotated 45 degrees and then another 45 degrees * will not be the same as an image rotated 90 degrees. * * @param degrees the number of degrees to rotate the image * @param backgroundColor the background color used for areas * in the resulting image that are not * covered by the image itself */ public void rotate (double degrees, Color backgroundColor) { /* * Okay, this required some strange geometry. Before an image * is rotated, the origin is at the top left corner of the * rectangle that contains the image. After an image is rotated, * you want the origin to get moved to a spot that will allow * the entire rotated image to be framed within a rectangle. * Unfortunately, this does not happen automatically. * * That's where the strange geometry comes in. We essentially * need to rotate the image, and then determine what the width * and height of the new image is, and then determine where the * new origin should be. The width and height is easy (you can * also use the AffineTransform getWidth and getHeight methods), * but the new origin...well...not so easy. Unfortunately, my * trigonometry skills aren't sharp enough to be able to give you * a good explanation of what's going on with this method without * drawing everything out for you. If you want to figure it out * for yourself, just draw an axis on a sheet of paper, place a * smaller rectangular piece of paper on the axis, and start * rotating it along the axis to see what's going on. Then pull * out your old trig books and start calculating. * * BTW, if there's an easier way to do this, I'd love to know about it. */ // adjust the angle that was passed so it's between 0 and 360 degrees double positiveDegrees = (degrees % 360) + ((degrees < 0) ? 360 : 0); double degreesMod90 = positiveDegrees % 90; double radians = Math.toRadians(positiveDegrees); double radiansMod90 = Math.toRadians(degreesMod90); // don't bother with any of the rest of this if we're not really rotating if (positiveDegrees == 0) return; // figure out which quadrant we're in (we'll want to know this later) int quadrant = 0; if (positiveDegrees < 90) quadrant = 1; else if ((positiveDegrees >= 90) && (positiveDegrees < 180)) quadrant = 2; else if ((positiveDegrees >= 180) && (positiveDegrees < 270)) quadrant = 3; else if (positiveDegrees >= 270) quadrant = 4; // get the height and width of the rotated image (you can also do this // by applying a rotational AffineTransform to the image and calling // getWidth and getHeight against the transform, but this should be a // faster calculation) int height = bi.getHeight(); int width = bi.getWidth(); double side1 = (Math.sin(radiansMod90) * height) + (Math.cos(radiansMod90) * width); double side2 = (Math.cos(radiansMod90) * height) + (Math.sin(radiansMod90) * width); double h = 0; int newWidth = 0, newHeight = 0; if ((quadrant == 1) || (quadrant == 3)) { h = (Math.sin(radiansMod90) * height); newWidth = (int)side1; newHeight = (int)side2; } else { h = (Math.sin(radiansMod90) * width); newWidth = (int)side2; newHeight = (int)side1; } // figure out how much we need to shift the image around in order to // get the origin where we want it int shiftX = (int)(Math.cos(radians) * h) - ((quadrant == 3) || (quadrant == 4) ? width : 0); int shiftY = (int)(Math.sin(radians) * h) + ((quadrant == 2) || (quadrant == 3) ? height : 0); // create a new BufferedImage of the appropriate height and width and // rotate the old image into it, using the shift values that we calculated // earlier in order to make sure the new origin is correct BufferedImage newbi = new BufferedImage(newWidth, newHeight, bi.getType()); Graphics2D g2d = newbi.createGraphics(); g2d.setBackground(backgroundColor); g2d.clearRect(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight); g2d.rotate(radians); g2d.drawImage(bi, shiftX, -shiftY, null); bi = newbi; } /** * Inverts the current JpgImage object */ public void invert () { AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(bi.getWidth(), 0); at.scale(-1.0, 1.0); AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(at, null); bi = op.filter(bi, null); } /** * Makes the current JpgImage object a greyscale image */ public void grayscale () { ColorConvertOp op = new ColorConvertOp(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY), null); bi = op.filter(bi, null); } /** * Makes the current JpgImage object a negative of the original image */ public void negative () { RescaleOp op = new RescaleOp(-1.0f, 255f, null); bi = op.filter(bi, null); } /** * Returns the current JpgImage object as a BufferedImage * * @return a BufferedImage representing the current JpgImage */ public BufferedImage sendToBufferedImage () { return bi; } /** * Writes the current JpgImage object to a file, with a quality * of 0.75 * * @param fileName the name of the file to write the image to * (if the file already exists, it will be * overwritten) * @exception IOException if there is an error writing to the file */ public void sendToFile (String fileName) throws IOException { sendToFile(fileName, 0.75f); } /** * Writes the current JpgImage object to a file, with the * specified quality * * @param fileName the name of the file to write the image to * (if the file already exists, it will be * overwritten) * @param quality the JPEG quality of the resulting image file, * from 0 to 1 * @exception IOException if there is an error writing to the file */ public void sendToFile (String fileName, float quality) throws IOException { if (quality < 0) quality = 0f; if (quality > 1) quality = 1f; FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fileName); JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out); JPEGEncodeParam param = encoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam(bi); param.setQuality(quality, false); encoder.encode(bi, param); out.close(); } }