import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;

/** This is a simple wrapper around the Jakarta Commons FTP
  * library. I really just added a few convenience methods to the
  * class to suit my needs and make my code easier to read.

* If you want more information on the Jakarta Commons libraries * (there is a LOT more you can do than what you see here), go to: * http://jakarta.apache.org/commons *

* This Java class requires both the Jakarta Commons Net library * and the Jakarta ORO library (available at http://jakarta.apache.org/oro ). * Make sure you have both of the jar files in your path to compile. * Both are free to use, and both are covered under the Apache license * that you can read on the apache.org website. If you plan to use these * libraries in your applications, please refer to the Apache license first. * While the libraries are free, you should double-check to make sure you * don't violate the license by using or distributing it (especially if you use it * in a commercial application). *

* Program version 1.0. Author Julian Robichaux, http://www.nsftools.com * * @author Julian Robichaux ( http://www.nsftools.com ) * @version 1.0 */ public class JakartaFtpWrapper extends FTPClient { /** A convenience method for connecting and logging in */ public boolean connectAndLogin (String host, String userName, String password) throws IOException, UnknownHostException, FTPConnectionClosedException { boolean success = false; connect(host); int reply = getReplyCode(); if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) success = login(userName, password); if (!success) disconnect(); return success; } /** Turn passive transfer mode on or off. If Passive mode is active, a * PASV command to be issued and interpreted before data transfers; * otherwise, a PORT command will be used for data transfers. If you're * unsure which one to use, you probably want Passive mode to be on. */ public void setPassiveMode(boolean setPassive) { if (setPassive) enterLocalPassiveMode(); else enterLocalActiveMode(); } /** Use ASCII mode for file transfers */ public boolean ascii () throws IOException { return setFileType(FTP.ASCII_FILE_TYPE); } /** Use Binary mode for file transfers */ public boolean binary () throws IOException { return setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); } /** Download a file from the server, and save it to the specified local file */ public boolean downloadFile (String serverFile, String localFile) throws IOException, FTPConnectionClosedException { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(localFile); boolean result = retrieveFile(serverFile, out); out.close(); return result; } /** Upload a file to the server */ public boolean uploadFile (String localFile, String serverFile) throws IOException, FTPConnectionClosedException { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(localFile); boolean result = storeFile(serverFile, in); in.close(); return result; } /** Get the list of files in the current directory as a Vector of Strings * (excludes subdirectories) */ public Vector listFileNames () throws IOException, FTPConnectionClosedException { FTPFile[] files = listFiles(); Vector v = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (!files[i].isDirectory()) v.addElement(files[i].getName()); } return v; } /** Get the list of files in the current directory as a single Strings, * delimited by \n (char '10') (excludes subdirectories) */ public String listFileNamesString () throws IOException, FTPConnectionClosedException { return vectorToString(listFileNames(), "\n"); } /** Get the list of subdirectories in the current directory as a Vector of Strings * (excludes files) */ public Vector listSubdirNames () throws IOException, FTPConnectionClosedException { FTPFile[] files = listFiles(); Vector v = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) v.addElement(files[i].getName()); } return v; } /** Get the list of subdirectories in the current directory as a single Strings, * delimited by \n (char '10') (excludes files) */ public String listSubdirNamesString () throws IOException, FTPConnectionClosedException { return vectorToString(listSubdirNames(), "\n"); } /** Convert a Vector to a delimited String */ private String vectorToString (Vector v, String delim) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { sb.append(s).append((String)v.elementAt(i)); s = delim; } return sb.toString(); } }